Make a fresh start at our Health and Wellness Fair
September 13, 2018
Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council, in partnership with local providers; Child & Adult Therapeutic Services and Hollywood Health, is holding a free two-day Health and Wellness Fair on the 23rd & 24th September at Lagan Valley Island, Lisburn.
The Mayor, Councillor Uel Mackin, is keen for people to attend the event and said: “Over two days a wide range of experts and service providers will be under one roof to help you live a healthier lifestyle. The Council is pleased to be hosting the event and it is a great opportunity to explore tools and techniques that are available to benefit your health and wellbeing.”
Speaking at the launch of the fair, Chairman of the Council’s Strategic Community Planning Partnership, Alderman William Leathem said: “I fully understand how difficult it can be to deal with poor health as I have lived with Fibromyalgia and ME for a number of years now, however, I also understand that there are non-medical routes available for healing that really do help. The fair is a great way to get a feel for what is available and what is suitable for you. I am confident that no matter what age or what challenge you face you will find something at our event. Please take some time over the two days to visit and chat to the available experts. This could be the fresh start you have been looking for.”
Rita McAlonan from Child & Adult Therapeutic Services discusses the range of services that will be available at the Fair: “The Island Hall at Lagan Valley Island will be full of Therapists and experts showcasing the most up-to-date technology and practical advice for your health and wellbeing. We are delighted to have guest speakers such as Ralph McCutcheon who has been deeply involved with the progress of Complementary Medicine over the last forty years, along with Therapists from across Northern Ireland who will focus on issues such as dealing with anxiety, loving the body you are in and feeling good through hypnotherapy. Investing in your health pays dividends and this event is the perfect way to find what will benefit you.”
The free Health and Wellness Fair will feature expert talks, workshops, one-to-one consultations and there will also be get the opportunity to purchase health and wellbeing products from local providers. Statutory organisations as well as local healthcare providers will also be present.
The opening times of the Fair are: 1:00pm - 6:00pm on Sunday 23rd September and 10:00am – 7:00pm on Monday 24th September and it will be held in Lagan Valley Island, Lisburn. Entry is free, however any donations received by visitors will go to the Mayor’s Charity, Cancer Fund for Children. There is free parking onsite.
For further information on the Health and Wellness Fair visit wholebeingwellbeingapproach/ or and register your interest in the event.
If you are a business or health provider who wishes to exhibit at the event please contact Rita McAlonan from Child & Adult Therapeutic Services on 07789767700 or Email: