Get home safe this Christmas
December 11, 2015
Lisburn & Castlereagh PCSP and the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) are working together to remind people to keep safe at Christmas time.
Councillor Scott Carson, PCSP Chairman said: “Christmas is such a busy time for most people with the chance to socialise and celebrate together. The PCSP works with the PSNI and others throughout the year to give people the information they need to keep themselves and their things safe; and Christmas is no different. In fact, with more reason to be out and about, it is even more important to keep this advice in mind. We fully support the PSNI message to ‘Never, ever drink and drive’. Simple things like planning journeys home after a night out as well as thinking about getting to work the next morning, particularly if there is a chance you could be over the limit, are all issues which could prevent an accident or worse.
"Alcohol, as we all know, can affect people’s judgement and vulnerability so at this time of year we are also reminding people about how actions and reactions can have a devastating impact. Since 2004, 24 checking people have been killed because of someone pulling one punch. Again, alcohol can sometimes affect people’s abilities to make a reasoned decision but one quick reaction can have a massive impact on lives. Linking with the PSNI, we are promoting two short films which deal with the issues of consent in relationships and the impact of ‘one punch’ incidents. We really want people to enjoy themselves but ask that these issues are kept in mind so that everyone gets home safe this Christmas.”
Echoing the safety message, District Commander Superintendent Sean Wright said: “The PSNI in Lisburn and Castlereagh want everyone to have a happy Christmas, but we also want everyone to be mindful of their responsibilities to others. Your safety is paramount while out and about, and that means forward planning to get home safe, not over indulging on alcohol and getting involved in potentially violent situations and looking out for others. Consuming too much alcohol can make you vulnerable.
"Road safety is a high priority for police as it should be for the residents of this district. Never drink and drive. If you know you are going somewhere alcohol is being served, it is better to take public transport or have a designated driver who will not be drinking any alcohol. No one wants a ruined Christmas and New Year because of a collision due to drinking and driving, or an assault.”