PLEASE NOTE: This article is over 1 year old and may not contain the most up-to-date information.

Council marks National Police Memorial Day

September 27, 2020

Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council will mark National Police Memorial Day by lighting its civic headquarters at Lagan Valley Island blue on the evening of Sunday 27th September and flying the Union Flag. Councillor John Palmer proposed this at a recent meeting of the Corporate Services Committee.

Alderman Paul Porter, Corporate Services Committee Chairman, said: “Throughout the pandemic, our frontline services have been more important than ever. They continue to work diligently to help us in the most challenging of circumstances.  We are proud to light our building blue to remember those police officers who died on duty or have been killed.  At 8pm, all blue light emergency vehicles across the UK will flash their lights in support of this day and our emergency services.

“It is important to remember fallen officers and demonstrate to their family and friends that their sacrifice is not forgotten.  I would ask everyone to take a few minutes on the 27th September to reflect on the loss of emergency service personnel.”

Alderman Stephen Martin, Vice-Chair of the Corporate Services Committee added: “The people who work in all our emergency services are selfless in their duty within our communities. They are caring professionals and often put themselves at risk to save the lives of others.

“As the emergency services shine a blue light into the sky at 8pm in celebration of the brave men and women who respond to our 999 calls, we would ask you to shine a light too. Together we can acknowledge how hard they work to keep us and those we love safe in extreme circumstances.”

A film about the British Symphony Orchestra’s tribute to #Team999 that will be played at 8pm on Sunday 27th September can be viewed online at