Calling all entrepreneurs, third call for Urban Investment Fund is now open
November 7, 2022
Continuing on the success to date of the Urban Investment Fund, Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council (LCCC) have launched a third call of funding which is specifically targeted at attracting new retailers interested in opening up or expanding into our urban centres of Lisburn, Castlereagh and Dundonald.
The third call is being released as part of a wider programme of support which continues to assist with the rejuvenation of the High Street. Given the prevailing economic climate, the programme aims to boost the local economy by encouraging entrepreneurs to come forward with innovative and exciting business ideas which can be supported through a package of funding and business advice through our Economic Development team.
£402,500 has been invested to date in our Urban Centres which has seen 18 new businesses open their doors and the expansion and diversification of eight existing businesses across the council area.
In this third call, Grant aid will be prioritised to encourage new business into the Urban Centres, particularly focusing on Fashion Retail. We welcome new businesses that are currently unrepresented in our urban centres and/or business that will help to support the night time economy.
Alderman Allan Ewart MBE, Chair of LCCC’s Development Committee, speaking about this new grant opportunity said:
“The Urban Investment Fund has been a great success for our council area, attracting new businesses, increasing footfall to our urban centres and boosting our local economy.
“This opportunity comes at an ideal time for our business community. It is part of the council’s wider programme of support to help rejuvenate the High Street by providing entrepreneurs with the finance they need to start-up during the cost of living crisis.
"This is yet another Council initiative which aims to complement the great work already undertaken across the City Centre. This new investment supports the ongoing drive to rejuvenate our high street and diversify the retail offering. Supporting new businesses wishing to open in the City Centre will serve to enhance the great offering we are already delivering and attract increased footfall. Indeed, the Lisburn Castlereagh area is now the ideal place to do business and I would encourage any local entrepreneurs with a business idea to get in touch.”
Local businesses and entrepreneurs are invited to submit an expression of interest now.
To download an expression of interest form please click here Contact Melanie at with any queries.
The council will accept expressions of interest until Noon on 2nd December 2022. These will be assessed and successful submissions will be invited to complete a full application in due course.