Urban Investment Fund Seeking Expressions of Interest
August 26, 2020
Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council is seeking expressions of interest for its upcoming Urban Investment Fund. This new grant programme will assist local businesses with support from the Department for Communities (DfC).
As part of the government’s Capital Covid-19 Recovery Revitalisation Scheme, this fund aims to support economic growth and resilience in the urban centres of Lisburn, Dundonald and Carryduff. Grants ranging from £7,500 to £25,000 per business are available for interior and exterior improvements to commercial properties.
The council will accept expressions of interest between 26th August and 25th September 2020. Eligible submissions will be invited to complete a full application in due course.
Alderman Jim Dillon MBE, Development Committee Chairman, speaking about this capital grant opportunity said: “I am delighted the council can progress this fund to support new and existing businesses within our urban centres. The Urban Investment Fund will help local businesses navigate the current downturn brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. It is important we work together to fill vacant units and attract new business investment into our urban centres. This is a fantastic opportunity to transform a new business idea into reality.”
Expressions of interest will be accepted from a new business wishing to renovate a vacant property; or an existing business planning to repurpose all or part of a currently occupied property to expand their business, or change the use of an area.
Councillor Uel Mackin, Development Committee Vice-Chair added, “This new grant will encourage and attract new businesses to invest in our area while supporting existing businesses to diversify their current offering. We can offer financial assistance to businesses to offset capital costs to reopen, expand or repurpose their existing premises. Our Economic Development team will manage the programme and allocate funds in line with DfC support.''
Please visit www.lisburncastlereagh.gov.uk/business for eligibility information and to submit an expression of interest or email: melanie.finn@lisburncastlereagh.gov.uk