PLEASE NOTE: This article is over 1 year old and may not contain the most up-to-date information.

Ulster-Scots Language Week 2022

November 21, 2022

Ulstèr-Scotch Leid Week (Ulster-Scots Language Week) is running from 21-25 November this year.

Lisburn & Castlereagh City Councils Good Relations Programme which is part funded by the Northern Ireland Executive Office has developed a programme of activities to mark Ulster-Scots Week.

Councillor Aaron McIntyre, Leisure & Community Development Chairman speaking about this initiative, said: “It is important that everyone has the opportunity to engage with Ulster-Scots and recognise its value in terms of enhancing our sense of self and place.

“The aim of a language week is to help people to understand more about Ulster-Scots, its heritage and culture, the role that it plays in the lives of its speakers, and the place that it has within our wider community.”

The council’s programme starts with an open call for interest in engaging with traditional story telling sessions with Janice Whitherspoon on Wednesday 23rd of November and Thursday 24th November available to community groups and schools throughout Lisburn and Castlereagh.  It then culminates in the final event of an interactive cookery session at Forestside Cookery School to make Ulster Scots fayre on Friday 25th November.

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