The Council's Virtual Home Workouts Prove Successful
June 3, 2020
Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council is pleased to announce the success of its virtual home workouts, which were introduced to help improve the mental health and physical well-being of residents and Vitality members during lockdown.
To date the council has produced just over 120 home workout videos, consisting of a wide range of cardiovascular, strength & conditioning and relaxation classes. The videos cater for adults, children and families all looking to keep fit and healthy during this challenging time. In addition to this total, a further 16 golf tutorial videos have been produced to help avid golfers improve their game from home.
All videos were published daily on the council’s Vitality Membership social media platforms, with some videos reaching up to 14,000 people. Videos were also posted on the LeisurePlex website, and through the Vitality Member App, for customers and the public to access at home at any time.
Speaking about the virtual home workouts, Chairman of the Leisure & Community Development Committee Alderman James Tinsley said: “We are delighted with the positive feedback received from customers in response to the council’s virtual home workouts. It very pleasing to hear so many people, including families and older people, trying to keep fit and healthy, both physically and mentally during this difficult time.
“As we entered unprecedented times back in March with the temporary closure of council facilities, including gyms and leisure centres, the council recognised the need and importance to ensure that its residents and Vitality members had the opportunity to stay active during lockdown. With that very much on the forefront of our minds, the introduction of virtual home workouts was the obvious answer. The workouts have not only provided the perfect platform for people to stay active and get active but they have also provided a sense of familiarity and routine for those missing their normal gym or class session.
“I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Vitality Instructors for their dedication and expertise in producing these videos and providing much needed motivation and encouragement for everyone regardless of their age or fitness level. It has been inspiring reading the lovely comments about our instructors and classes online, which highlights the impact the team has made on people’s lives at this challenging time.
“I would encourage everyone to continue to avail of the virtual home workouts as much as possible until the time comes when we can welcome you all back to our gym facilities again.”
To view the full list of virtual home workouts, please visit or visit our Facebook page