PLEASE NOTE: This article is over 1 year old and may not contain the most up-to-date information.

Statement from the Mayor, Cllr Mackin and Chair of the Development Cttee, Ald Leathem

July 18, 2018

The Mayor, Councillor Uel Mackin and the Chairman of the Development Committee of Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council, Alderman William Leathem, have expressed their disappointment that the M&S Simply Food store in Bow Street Mall will close later this year.

The Mayor said: “I am sorry to hear that the store will not continue trading in Bow Street Mall but I am glad to hear that redeployment will be offered to the store’s employees, and this must be welcomed.

“The M&S Simply Food store has been in the Mall for years and I am sure it will be missed by many shoppers,” he said.

Alderman Leathem said: “I was sad to learn of this announcement, which I am sure was very carefully considered by M&S management. This is a difficult period of change for the people who work at the store. Our lives are often centred around our places of employment and our routines.

“The Council is engaged with Bow Street Mall in respect of future plans for the centre,” he concluded.