Translink launches new creative safety campaign
July 6, 2021
Translink has launched a new creative safety campaign, to ensure everyone stays safe using public transport this summer.
Using a mix of novel animations across social media platforms, Translink is aiming to highlight issues that could lead to unsafe behaviour around train tracks and at stations and bus stops.
People who use railway crossings are also reminded to be vigilant at all times, pay attention to warning lights and signs - and not to get complacent.
Translink’s Director of Service Operations Ian Campbell said: “We are helping young people better understand key safety facts like train stopping distances, how quiet trains are at speed and how they may not always be heard until they are just metres away. For example, trains travelling at 70 mph need the length of approximately five football pitches in order to stop. We are also reminding people not to trespass on tracks or use them as shortcuts as this is extremely dangerous.
“Engineering trains operate in addition to timetabled services; and our new trains are currently being tested during the day and night across our network.
“We continue to work with community groups and youth organisations to educate and encourage safe behaviour on and around public transport. We regularly promote the safe use of our services and deter antisocial behaviour such as trespass, vandalism or misuse of Translink property or services.
“We also encourage parents to know where their children are and ensure that they are not engaging in unsafe or anti-social behaviour.
“Translink works hard to keep everyone safe. Our vehicles and stations are fitted with CCTV for everyone’s safety and comfort and our Glider and Metro inspectors and train conductors use body worn cameras.
“There are also serious implications for those caught engaging in dangerous or anti-social behaviour including criminal convictions, which can have long term consequences. Furthermore we offer a reward of up to £1,000 for those who give evidence of trespass, vandalism or anti-social behaviour, which leads to a successful conviction”.
Ian concluded, “Safety is always our top priority and we continue to promote safety awareness to ensure everyone stays safe and secure”.
For more information on Translink’s safety activity visit our website: