Public consultation on Open Spaces Strategy
December 6, 2021
Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council has drafted an Open Spaces Strategy for 2022-2026. It would like to hear from its residents, community groups, businesses and local stakeholders.
The council is committed to shaping the future of the Lisburn Castlereagh community. This includes our open spaces which are for everyone to enjoy.
Councillor Sharon Skillen, Chair of the Leisure & Community Development Committee, announcing the 12 week public consultation said: “Following an audit of our open spaces we are pleased to have drafted a strategy on which to consult with our ratepayers. Through this strategy we wish to establish a network of multi-functional open spaces to benefit our local communities. These benefits may be environmental, economic or social in areas where a need has been identified.
“We recognise the importance of creating a healthy, active and accessible environment to connect places and people. Biodiversity, conservation and adapting to climate change are key to helping protect local environments and wildlife for future generations. Through this strategy we intend to improve the physical and social inclusion of our community. It is essential that we understand what you wish and that we listen to your views. So please take 10-15 minutes to have your say.”
You can view the online consultaton portal at
The Open Spaces Strategy when finalised will be part of a five year action plan of identified projects and priorities across the whole Lisburn Castlereagh area. It seeks to secure best value and provide a prioritised framework for investment, maintenance, management of our council area.
To have your say please complete our short online survey at or call into Lagan Valley Island to view the consultation boards and complete a paper questionnaire. The closing date for the consultation is 28th February 2022. If you would prefer to talk to someone to complete the survey please phone 028 9244 7558.