PLEASE NOTE: This article is over 1 year old and may not contain the most up-to-date information.

Promoting a Balanced Approach to Children’s Play and Leisure

July 6, 2020

With our play parks starting to reopen from the 10th July we would like to make parents aware of guidance developed by PlayBoard NI to minimise the risk of infection and we would ask those visiting our play parks to adhere to the following guidance:

1. Closed Play Parks

If the play park you wish to use has not yet been officially reopened, please do no attempt to use or access the equipment

 2. Secured equipment

In some cases, pieces of play equipment may have been secured to prevent their use on safety grounds.  If an item has been secured to prevent use do not attempt to remove temporary barriers or use the equipment.

3. Social Distancing

When visiting a play park make sure that you follow current government guidance on social distancing, encourage and support your children to do the same and keep a safe distance from others not in your household/social bubble.

4. Busy Play Parks

Given that they are reopening for the first time in 3 months’ play parks may be busier than usual.  If the play park is busy, consider coming back at a later time and let your child know in advance that this may be a possibility to avoid disappointment.

5. Hand Washing

Wash your hands and your children’s hand’s before and after visiting the play park. Take hand sanitiser and wipes with you and ensure you and your child use them frequently when in the play park.

6. Waste Management

Make sure that any waste is disposed of in the litter bins provided or take it home for disposal.

7. Be Sensible

If you or anyone in your household are showing any Coronavirus symptoms, stay home and do not visit the play park.

PlayBoard NI is currently looking for children and young people to complete a survey on the impact of the Covid-19 lockdown on their play.  The survey is open to those aged 5 to 18 years of age and be accessed at