Paint Means Poo campaign successful in highlighting dog fouling
October 27, 2021
A new Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council initiative called ‘Paint Means Poo’ has been met with encouraging feedback.
The campaign has been trialled in Ballybeen, Manor Park (Lisburn) and Glenavy with the aim of highlighting the extent of the dog fouling problem in these particular areas.
Chair of Environmental Services, Councillor Andrew Ewing said: “I am very supportive of this initiative which effectively highlights the serious problem of dog fouling and the damage caused by a number of irresponsible dog owners.
“The use of spray paint is to showcase the problem more visually to dog owners to emphasize the damage their actions are having on their community.
“The results over the four week period in the local areas chosen for the pilot initiative have shown a decrease in the number of dog fouling incidents. In Glenavy, figures of dog fouling incidents dropped from 149 in week one, to 3 in week four.
“The volunteers were equipped by the Council with a can of eco-spray paint, a ‘paint means poo’ toolkit, risk assessment, recording forms, flyers giving details of the campaign and posters to be erected in the community informing the campaign.
“New signage was also affixed to litter bins in the area promoting the disposal of dog waste in regular litter bins.
“This initiative has proven to be an effective deterrent which sent a strong message to offending dog owners that their irresponsible actions of not picking up after their pets is both antisocial and wholly unacceptable to the local community.
“We thank the volunteers in these communities who gave up four weeks of their time to see how this campaign would work. Without their time and effort, this wouldn’t have been possible to trial and their feedback is invaluable.
“I also want to take this opportunity to personally thank the responsible dog owners throughout Lisburn and Castlereagh who take pride in their local area. They act responsibly and thoughtfully by picking up after their pets and contribute to cleaner and safer neighbourhoods.”
Caption: Chair of Environmental Services, Councillor Andrew Ewing, joined Sandra Prince, Tony Prince and Tracey Brooks of the Manor Park Community Association along with Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council Enforcement Officer Craig Maxwell to highlight the success of the ‘Paint Means Poo’ initiative.