PLEASE NOTE: This article is over 1 year old and may not contain the most up-to-date information.

New Facilities at Ballymacoss Playing Fields

June 20, 2017

A new purpose built Changing Pavilion has been officially opened by Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council at Queen Elizabeth II Playing Fields, Ballymacoss.

As part of the £280,000 renovation programme, the existing six team changing modular units have been replaced with more modern amenities containing toilets, shower units, facilities for users with disabilities and referee changing facilities.

Ballymacoss Playing Fields has been opened since 1998 and is home to several local football teams.

Councillor Tim Morrow, former Chairman of the Councils Leisure and Community Development Committee, said: “The Council is committed to providing suitable play areas in local communities to allow young people and adults to exercise and get involved in local sports teams.

“We are delighted with the opening of the upgraded Pavilion at Ballymacoss Playing fields. The facilities, available for use by local soccer clubs, will be ready just in time for the season kick off in August 2017,” said Councillor Morrow.