New Drugs Disposal Bin a First For Lisburn
December 7, 2015
A drugs disposal safe has been installed in Lisburn for the first time as part of an initiative to remove illegal and prescription drugs off the streets. It is located at LaganView Enterprise Centre, Drumbeg Drive in the Old Warren Estate.
The RAPID (Remove All Prescription and Illegal Drugs) drug disposal safe is a community safety initiative between Lisburn & Castlereagh Policing and Community Safety Partnership (PCSP), PSNI, Resurgam Trust, ASCERT and the local community that promotes the removal of all prescription medication, illegal drugs and new psychoactive substances (Legal Highs) from the community.
RAPID was initially piloted in 2010 but due to the success of this initiative further bins have been installed throughout Northern Ireland in partnership with key statutory, community and voluntary groups. Since 2010, over 56,000 tablets have been deposited in RAPID bins. Ninety per cent of the drugs handed in are prescription or over the counter medicines but illegal drugs and legal highs have also been deposited.
The newly installed RAPID Lisburn disposal safe is located inside the LaganView Enterprise Centre in the main foyer. The service is completely anonymous and the bin can be used by anyone in the community to safely dispose of any unused or out of date medicines, illegal drugs or legal highs. All individuals depositing drugs in the disposal safe are legally protected from further investigation or prosecution.
The disposal safe will be emptied regularly and the drugs will be destroyed. No personal details are collected. Substances may be tested by the Forensic Service of Northern Ireland to identify them and to assess their toxicity quality. The results of all the disposals will be reported back to the community through the PCSP, Resurgam Trust and ASCERT. The safe is not for the disposal of used needles. Please contact the drugs outreach team on 0800 2545123 to arrange collection or to speak to the needle exchange team.
Speaking about the initiative, Lisburn and Castlereagh PCSP Chairman, Councillor Scott Carson said, “I welcome this new initiative to Lisburn. We are all aware of the dangers of illegal drugs and the effects that these have in communities but prescribed drugs can equally be as dangerous in the wrong hands or if taken with other substances. I would urge the community to make use of this new facility in Lisburn. It is free from any investigations or prosecutions and this initiative is designed to dispose of prescribed and illegal drugs safely.”
The PSNI District Commander for Lisburn and Castlereagh Superintendent Sean Wright commented, “I wholeheartly welcome this initiative to remove illegal and prescription drugs off the streets of Lisburn. These items can be disposed anonymously by anyone – concerned parents, young people or any person in possession of drugs which they believe have the potential to cause harm. By disposing of the drugs in the bin, local people are ensuring they are permanently removed from their community.
Superintendent Wright continues: The harmful consequences of drugs, even prescription drugs, falling into the wrong hands cannot be emphasised enough. By launching this initiative we are working together with the community to help remove the scourge of drugs and keep people safe. We are committed to protecting communities and we will continue to work with local residents, community representatives and elected representatives to tackle the issue of drugs. Officers also work with schools to highlight to young people the danger associated with drugs misuse and will continue to do so”
The Director of Resurgam Trust Aidie Bird commented: “The installation and use of this disposal bin will ensure people are safer in our community and will enhance our health and wellbeing agenda.”
Alison Armstrong from ASCERT commented: "It`s only been through the great partnership working between Resurgam Trust, PCSP, PSNI and ASCERT that this initiative has come to fruition. I`ve no doubt it will be a great success.”