PLEASE NOTE: This article is over 1 year old and may not contain the most up-to-date information.

Household Recycling Centres to reopen for Lisburn Castlereagh residents

May 7, 2020

Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council will reopen its three Household Recycling Centres (HRCs) from Monday 11th May in a phased manner.  Only general household and garden waste can be disposed of at this time.

If you live in the Lisburn Castlereagh area then you can bring a limited amount of waste: loose garden waste and a maximum of six bags of household waste to The Cutts, Drumlough or Carryduff facilities.  Photographic ID with proof of address will be required so we can ensure only our residents can use our facilities. No commercial or business waste will be accepted and vehicles will be refused entry.

When open the HRCs will operate a traffic management system that everyone should follow. Please be patient and expect delays.  It is imperative that everyone maintains a social distance at all times to help keep our staff and residents safe while disposing of excess waste.

Alderman James Baird, Environmental Committee Chairman, speaking about the phased reopening of these council facilities said: “While we have taken the decision to reopen our three household recycling centres they will operate a limited service to protect the safety of our staff, our residents and our contractors. We are pleased to be able to offer our residents the opportunity to dispose of household or garden waste that has accumulated.  We will introduce further waste streams when it is safe and practical to do so.

“Traffic managements will be in place to protect everyone and I would like to advise residents that our staff will not be able to help you dispose of any materials that you bring to our centres.  Only one resident should exit the vehicle to dispose of the material they have brought with them when asked to do so by our staff. No children should be disposing of waste, for their safety children must remain in the car at all times.

“Any items that are not bagged general household waste or loose garden waste will not be accepted so please do not try and bring bulky items at this time as you will only have to return home with them. 

“I would ask that the respect for our staff, which has been shown across Lisburn Castlereagh, continues at our Household Recycling Centres.  We will not tolerate unacceptable behaviour and we will have CCTV and/or body cameras in operation.  Please keep checking our social media, website and Binformation App for up to date information on our HRCs including opening times.”

The council would ask that if any resident or someone in their home is self-isolating due to Covid-19 symptoms that they do not visit the HRCs.

To find out more about the reopening of our HRCS go to and we would remind our residents if visiting our HRCs to determine if they consider the journey essential.