Have your say on Draft LCCC Performance Improvement Plan 2021/22
April 19, 2021
Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council wants to hear your views on its Draft Annual Performance Improvement Plan to help inform service improvement across its services over the coming year.
LCCC Chief Executive, David Burns explained the importance of this process and why listening to customers is essential: “As a Council, we are required to set out clearly how we plan to improve our services each year. As a public body, we are accountable to you, the ratepayer and our key stakeholders, so listening to you is an important part of our continuous improvement journey.
"As we recover from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, our focus is on two key themes. Firstly, we want to improve engagement and make it easier for you to contact us. Secondly we want to increase participation in activities that aim to maintain and improve physical and mental health and wellbeing for our citizens.
"Our Draft Performance Improvement Plan sets out what we plan to do and how. It also details how we will measure the success of our actions and how we will meet the targets set for us by Central Government in relation to key issues such as job creation, planning and waste management. Your feedback is so important and I would encourage everyone to read the plan and submit your comments.
“We have worked hard to ensure the continued delivery of critical services during this pandemic. We strive for excellence in everything we do and we are committed to improving the quality of life for all our communities.”
All Councils have a statutory duty to set improvement objectives and have arrangements in place to secure their achievement under the Local Government Act (Northern Ireland) 2014. The Objectives and the Plan are linked to the Community Plan as well as the Council’s Corporate Plan 2018-22.
A report will be published in autumn 2022 setting out how Council has performed against these objectives.
To read the documents and submit your views during the period of consultation which ends on 17th May 2021, please see below:
Performance Improvement Plan 2021-22 (Draft)
Performance Improvement Plan 2021-22 Summary Document (Draft)
Performance Improvenment Plan Consultation Survey
Contacts for Feedback and Review
We welcome comments, suggestions and feedback on our plan and improvement objectives.
To get in touch please use the details below.
Telephone: Performance Improvement Officer, Chief Executives Office – 028 92509559
Email: kerrie-anne.mckibbin@lisburncastlereagh.gov.uk
In writing: Performance Improvement Officer, Chief Executives Office, Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council, The Island Civic Centre, Lisburn, BT27 4RL