Council supports World Stroke Day
October 29, 2020
Lagan Valley Island is lit up purple tonight (29th October) to mark World Stroke Day.
Mayor of Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council, Councillor Nicholas Trimble was pleased to support this building illumination.
He said: “At this time, it is important to consider how stroke survivors and their families are coping. The Stroke Association has been hearing about the negative impact COVID-19 has had on accessing rehabilitation support. Family members and carers have experienced increased pressure and stress, resulting in social isolation and poor mental health for many. If you know someone who has had a stroke, please check in with them.”
Alderman Paul Porter, Chairman of the council’s Corporate Services Committee and cross-party Healthcare Working Group added: “The effects of a stroke can impact an individual’s physical ability, mental health, communication and cognitive skills. On World Stroke Day it is important we raise awareness of stroke, recognising the symptoms and the issues faced by those affected.
“The council has received the recent research from the Stroke Association and its manifesto on how it would like to see stroke support services shaped going forward. Elected representatives will consider how the council could support the implementation of a new, high quality regional long-term support pathway for people affected by a stroke in Northern Ireland.”
The Stroke Association’s research can be viewed online at