Coffee Morning Raises Funds for British Heart Foundation
March 15, 2016
Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council is delighted to announce that following an employee coffee morning, held at Lagan Valley Island and Bradford Court, in aid of British Heart Foundation (BHF), that a fantastic £400 was raised.
The Council supports the BHF as an official Heart City and this event is one of a number of ongoing initiatives organised to support the vital work of the BHF.
The Chair of the Heart City Steering Working Group, Councillor Margaret Tolerton, said, “The coffee morning was a tremendous success and I would like to extend my thanks to our employees who assisted in the organising of this event, as well as those who contributed to the selection of delicious buns, tray bakes and cakes, and generously made a donation.
“I would like to particularly thank the Catering Manager here at Lagan Valley Island, Melissa McConville, who kindly donated the scones for the event, to which I believe went down a treat.
“We will endeavour to continue with our fund-raising efforts as a Heart City to help raise awareness of the British Heart Foundation,” conclude, Councillor Tolerton.
For media enquiries, contact Claire Weir, Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council 028 9250 9441.