Call for Dromara Residents - Would you Know What to do in a Severe Weather Warning
January 12, 2017
Residents of Dromara village met in December as part of a pilot project to develop a Community Self-help Plan to protect themselves, their property and any vulnerable adults in a local severe weather emergency.
The Dromara Community Self-help Plan is only as strong as the members that agree to participate and become involved. The Council would like to encourage as many members of the local community, businesses and farmers to come along to the next meeting on 18th January at 6.45pm in Dromara Community Hall.
Councillor James Baird, Chairman of the Council’s Environmental Services Committee, said: “Dromara village was identified because of its past incidents of severe weather including the spring blizzard of 2013 and flooding in 2008. With a combination of being located at a high altitude and a large number of residents there is a strong benefit to developing a community self-help plan to prepare the Dromara community for dealing with severe weather.
“There are a number of experts within key statutory organisations who attend these local community meetings to provide the residents with information and resources to develop a local capacity plan to respond and cope with severe weather when it occurs. These include the PSNI, NIFRS, the Council, Rivers Agency, Transport NI, NI Water, NIE Networks and the Met Office.
“All project participants will receive a general household emergency life-saving plan, a household flood plan, a severe weather risk assessment and mapping information, details on how to safely clear snow and where applicable access to the Transport NI snow clearance agreement scheme for clearing roads. I am sure all Dromara residents will agree that this is a beneficial project and we look forward to seeing you on the 18th January,” concluded Councillor Baird.
This project is a partnership between Dromara Community Association, Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council and the Regional Community Resilience Group.