£116,862 awarded to local groups and organisations in the Lisburn Castlereagh area
March 25, 2021
Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council has provided £116,862 in funding to support the delivery of initiatives aimed at improving mental health and wellbeing and/or supporting volunteers in local communities.
64 grants were recently awarded to local groups under the ‘COVID-19 Connecting Communities and Volunteering Support Grant Programme’ in partnership with the Department of Communities.
Speaking about the success of this grant scheme, Alderman Michael Henderson MBE, Leisure & Community Development Committee Chairman said:
“We were delighted that there was so much interest in these grants. This is further evidence of the importance our communities place on their mental health and wellbeing and their commitment to supporting the vulnerable at this time.
I look forward to seeing how the successful projects develop and the support they provide at the heart of our communities. This will also enable our local volunteers to extend the reach of the invaluable support they continue to provide. It is important that we continue to recognise these efforts and work together to meet the challenges of COVID-19.
On behalf of the Council I would like to thank all those who applied. The council will continue to offer its support to all groups and volunteers as we recognise the valuable work that they do.”
Councillor David Honeyford, Vice-Chair of the Leisure & Community Development Committee added:
“This financial support will help deliver a variety of projects which will directly benefit our local communities. It may be used to adapt community spaces to be COVID-19 safe, or used to run community programmes and activities or deliver equipment to support volunteers.
This recent scheme brings the total funding awarded by Council since the beginning of the pandemic to just over £689,000. We have seen how this support has really made a difference in local communities in terms of addressing food poverty, financial hardship, connectivity and mental health and wellbeing.
I would like to thank all the voluntary and community groups for the excellent work they are doing in our communities helping our residents remain strong at this time.”
The following groups received funding support under the COVID-19 Connecting Communities and Volunteering Support grant. Some of them receive funds under both streams.
7th Belfast Scout Group
ADDNI Children's Charity
Aghaleee Village Hall (two streams)
Anahilt & Magheraconluce CA
Ballinderry Moravian Church
Ballybeen Mens Motivation Group (BMMG)
Ballymacash Regeneration Network
Ballyoran Community & Arts
Belfast and Lisburn Women's Aid
Canal Boxing Academy
Carr Primary School PTA
Carryduff Community Church (Elim Church) (two streams)
Carryduff Regeneration Forum
Dreamscheme NI
Dundonald Methodist Church
Dundrod Presbyterian Church
Glenclare Community Group (two streams)
Helping Hands Autism Support Group (two streams)
Hillhall Regeneration Group (two streams)
Hilltop Friends
Irwin's True Blues LOL 1924
Killynure Community Association
Kindergardencooks CIC
Lagan District Girls' Brigade (two streams)
Larchfield Community Development Association
LCC Community Trust (two streams)
Lisburn BMX Club
Lisburn Community Choir
Lisburn Elim Church (kidzone)
Lisburn Ladies Football Club
Lisburn Temperance Junior
Lower Maze FC Seniors
Lower Maze Juniors FC
Maghaberry Community Centre (two streams)
Mazetown Rural Action Collective
Moira Friendship Group (two streams)
Old Warren Community Association
Poundbridge & District Community Association (two streams)
Resurgam Youth Initiative
Saintfield Road Presbyterian Church (two streams)
St Columba's Church Lisburn
St John's Parish, Moira (two streams)
St Mary's Church Ballybeen
St Patricks GAC Lisburn
Stoneyford Community and Youth Association (two streams)
The Boys Brigade NI
Tonagh Neighbourhood Initiatives (two streams)
Ulster New Zealand Trust
Whitemountain District Community Association (two streams)