Recycling at Christmas

When the presents have all been opened and the family fed, it’s time to tidy up and put your waste in the right places!

Feed your brown bin with:

  • unavoidable food waste that cannot be safely stored for another day
  • napkins and kitchen roll that has been used to catch crumbs or mop up spills
  • festive plants and flowers that are past their best
  • real Christmas wreaths (after you have removed any wire or decorations)

Fill your recycling bin or boxes with (clean, flat, loose):

  • plastic bottles, pots, tubs and trays from your drinks and nibbles - don’t forget your empty sweet tubs!
  • foil cases from those tasty mince pies
  • tins, cans and aerosols like empty hairspray and deodorants
  • card and cardboard boxes from all those deliveries - remember to remove any plastic and polystyrene
  • plain Christmas cards – remove any embellishments
  • food and juice cartons

Did you know?

Wrapping paper cannot be recycled and must go in the landfill bin. 

You should dispose of batteries safely at the Household Recycling Centre or take them to a shop that sells batteries. Never put them in your bin as they can cause fires.

Find out more about battery safety.