Invest in Health Profit in Business Resources
The resources found in this section provide you with useful help and information in relation to all aspects of health and wellbeing. Just click on the links to be directed to the full article.
Every Customer Counts - Making small changes to the way you work, how you present information and the accessibility of your premises, can have a big impact on the number of your customers.
Health @ Work - This PHA initiative supports employers to develop and implement the health promoting workplace concept thereby improving conditions and enabling staff to remain in employment longer. Click here for more information.
Mental Health Z Card - South Eastern Trust Area
Mental Health Z Card - Belfast Trust Area
Choose to Live Better - This site helps you work out if you are overweight or obese and provides top tips on how you can easily make healthier choices in life. These may not change things overnight; but they are a change for the better.
Alcohol and You – raising awareness
The Big 5 Booklet – taking control of your health through lifestyle changes
A Nudge in the Right Direction - improving health through changing behaviour
Cancer Focus NI and HSC Public Health Agency - Enjoying Outdoors In The Sun - Safely
The Disability Employment Service provides a range of programmes to assist Departmental customers obtain and retain suitable employment while its staff has extensive experience of helping people with complex and serious conditions in employment and training.
British Heart Foundation Northern Ireland is your heart charity, dedicated to saving lives through pioneering research, patient care, campaigning for change and by providing vital information. BHF Northern Ireland provides a range of services to help promote heart health and living a healthy lifestyle at work.
Cancer Focus – Stop Smoking Support Service. Cancer Focus Northern Ireland is your local cancer champion, here to help you and your family if you have cancer. We’ll help your community take positive steps to a healthier life, to lower their risk of cancer and we are determined to bring a more hopeful future by funding ground-breaking research.
Keeping Well in the Workplace and Community. A leaflet of programmes designed by Cancer Focus NI.
Keeping Well Video from Cancer Focus NI.
Farming is an occupation but is also a way of life.
Cardiovascular disease is literally a disease of the heart and blood vessels.
Get a Life Get Active It’s all too easy to find excuses for not being more physically active, but when you see all the benefits you and your family can gain from being more active, you’ll see it’s worth making the effort.