Vintage Cars and Bikes Bring a Touch of Ulster Grand Prix Nostalgia to the City
July 17, 2017
Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council, in conjunction with the Lisburn City Old Vehicle Club (LCOVC) and 2017 MCE Insurance Ulster Grand Prix (UGP) Bike Week, will once again bring a touch of nostalgia to the Dundrod circuit. On Monday 7th August a cavalcade of vintage and classic cars and motorcycles will leave Lagan Valley Island for a Parade Lap to the Dundrod Circuit.
This local event will mark the official start of the 2017 MCE Insurance UGP Bike Week, which will see many of the world’s leading road racers come to the Dundrod Circuit in the Lisburn Castlereagh area to experience the world's fastest road race course and hopefully set a few records during the two race days, Thursday and Saturday.
On the night Lagan Valley Island will be filled with vintage cars and bikes. The owners of these classic motorcycles and cars will leave Lagan Valley Island at 7.15pm and 7.30pm respectively for a parade lap to the Dundrod Circuit. The route to Dundrod will be via Seymour Street, Castle Street, Market Square, Market Street, Smithfield Street, Antrim Street, along the Old Antrim Road and Pond Park Road before heading toDundrod. The cavalcade vehicles will stop at the Dundrod circuit where they will remain on display and will not return to Lisburn as a group.
Alderman James Tinsley, Chairman of the Council’s Leisure & Community Development Committee, is urging everyone to come along for an enjoyable evening, and said: “The organisers of this event would like to see local participation from classic and vintage vehicle owners to make an impressive sight as they travel through the City to Dundrod. It would be great to see residents along the route enjoying the sights of classic and vintage vehicles.
"Those wishing to participate in the Parade Lap are encouraged to register in advance through the LCOVC to enable the Club and the Council to know how many will be taking part. It is possible to register on the night from 5.30pm at Lagan Valley Island, however for administrative purposes early notice would be appreciated.”
Entry to participate in the Parade Lap is £5 per vehicle and £3 per passenger and all entry fees and donations made will be presented to the Mayor’s Charities, Habitat for Humanity NI and Corrymeela Community. To register for the Parade Lap please contact LCOVC by email to or access the form online at