Stay Safe- Stay Secure This Christmas
December 3, 2018
In the run up to Christmas, Lisburn & Castlereagh Policing and Community Safety Partnership (PCSP) in conjunction with the local police, are reminding people to keep themselves and their property safe and to be aware of scams whilst shopping on-line. To promote this message, an advertising campaign and associated roadshows are being launched as part of the overall Christmas Crime Prevention Campaign. The advertisement campaign will focus on local printed press and social media covering burglary, scamming messages and drink driving and the roadshows will be held in retail centres and public transport hubs across the City Council area. If you are out and about Christmas shopping and see these road shows, please call with the PCSP and PSNI and have a chat about staying safe both in your home, whilst out shopping and on-line. If you can spot a scam, you can stop a scam. Please ensure that you stay 4 steps ahead of a scam by using this scam test:
- Seems too good to be true
- Contacted out of the blue
- Asked for personal details
- Money is requested
The PCSP also supports the PSNI message to ‘Never, ever drink and drive’. If you are going out to enjoy the festive period it is best to plan ahead by nominating a non-drinker as the designated driver or book a taxi in advance. Don`t forget about your journey to work the next morning, particularly if there is a chance you could be over the limit.
The Chairman of Lisburn & Castlereagh PCSP, Councillor Brian Hanvey, speaking at the launch said “We cannot remind people enough of the importance of looking after themselves and their belongings, particularly at Christmas when there are gifts bought to give to friends and family. Please ensure that they are out of sight and not placed below Christmas trees, visible from outside your home. Unfortunately there are criminals who will invade your home and steal your personal belongings. My message to you is clear; make sure you do not invite burglars into your home by not securing your home properly and stay ahead of scams by remembering the 4 step test. May I wish all the citizens of Lisburn & Castlereagh a safe and peaceful Christmas and New Year.”
Superintendent David Beck, District Commander for Lisburn & Castlereagh commented “Christmas is a busy time of the year for everyone, including the criminal. However, a high percentage of crime is opportunist in nature and so this Christmas we are seeking your assistance in preventing crime. We`re asking that you don`t let the criminal enjoy Christmas at your expense. Our Christmas message is primarily about protecting your car, your house and your property. Have a great Christmas and make it one to remember for the right reasons.”