PLEASE NOTE: This article is over 1 year old and may not contain the most up-to-date information.

New look for Glenavy rural village

May 10, 2021

Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council is pleased to announce the completion of a Village Improvement Scheme for Glenavy Village. This well received scheme has seen the footpaths upgraded, the main road through the village widened, an increase in parking spaces and improvements to the configuration of the junction and setting of the War Memorial.

This project is part funded under Priority 6 (LEADER) of the Northern Ireland Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 by the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs and the European Union. The council matched funded the project.

Glenavy Village was shortlisted as one of five villages to receive funding through the Northern Ireland Rural Development Programme (NIRDP) to deliver a renewal scheme. Through extensive consultation with residents of the village an agreed scheme was developed.

The local Glenavy community has been extremely proactive in working towards an improvement scheme for the centre of the village.  It has worked in partnership with the council and other partners to bring this scheme to fruition.

Alderman Jim Dillon MBE, Chair of the council’s Development Committee said: “The council is delighted to have supported the Glenavy Village Renewal scheme delivered this year.  It will improve the overall safety and accessibility of the village for local residents and other visitors, as well as enhancing it aesthetically across the main arterial routes through the village. The scheme has seen the reconfiguration of the road layout at the lower end of the village where the Belfast Road meets the Crumlin Road. The new layout will help improve manoeuvrability and visibility for drivers and provide a safer area for pedestrians.”

He added: “Parking and congestion particularly along Main Street was highlighted as a major issue at public consultation. The scheme has introduced additional parking bays which has helped alleviate the number of cars parked on the main road.  The council recognises the social and economic benefits such a scheme can have in a small rural community. The scheme has improved the environment throughout the centre of the village and provide a safe environment for the many village residents as they go about their day.

“I would like to thanks the contractor, Philips Contracts, who worked hard to complete this scheme within the required timeframe and adhering to the strict government guidelines introduced due to the unforeseen global pandemic.”

Alderman Allan Ewart MBE, Chairman of Lagan Rural Partnership commented: “We are delighted that the council, in partnership with Lagan Rural Partnership, successfully delivered this scheme. The team worked hard to ensure all government guidelines were adhered to and that the completed scheme would benefit the village.  The scheme will really enhance the look of this rural village with the introduction of trees and landscaping across the village, improved footpaths, new street furniture and bus stop enhancements.”