Moira businesses and residents welcome new heritage gateway signs
December 16, 2022
Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council (LCCC) has announced the installation of new heritage gateway signage in Moira village.
The new gateway signage will complement the recent Heritage Shopfront Scheme that is being delivered across the village and funded through the COVID-19 Recovery Small Settlements Regeneration Programme. The scheme has offered businesses funding to transform their shop fronts with a more ‘heritage style’.
Alderman Allan Ewart MBE, Chair of LCCC’s Development Committee, said: “Moira is a significant historic village within our council area and draws in many visitors. We recognise the importance of retaining conservation status for Moira and I’m delighted that the new gateway signage will complement the character and appearance of the village. I look forward to seeing the regenerational impact of the heritage scheme.”
Local Moira business owner and resident, Melissa Johnson of Naturobalance, said: “I am really pleased that the council has provided businesses in Moira with the opportunity to avail of funding to enhance their shopfronts, bringing them in line with the heritage design guidelines. And I support the addition of new heritage gateway signage, which will further complement the village.”
The introduction of the new signage followed a consultation earlier in the year where the public had the opportunity to view and choose between a number of different layouts and heritage design details.
The COVID-19 Recovery Small Settlement Regeneration Programme was funded by the Department for Communities, Department for Infrastructure and Department for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs.