Mayor and Deputy Mayor Elected for Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council
June 19, 2017
Councillor Tim Morrow (Alliance Party) has been elected Mayor of Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council at the Council’s Annual Meeting, held 19th June 2017.
Councillor Hazel Legge (Ulster Unionist Party) was elected as Deputy Mayor.
The Mayor was proposed for election by Councillor Owen Gawith. The proposal was seconded by Alderman Stephen Martin and supported by all Council Members.
The Deputy Mayor was proposed by Alderman Michael Henderson MBE and seconded by Alderman Jim Dillon MBE. The proposal was also supported by all Elected Members.
The new Mayor, Councillor Morrow, thanked the Council and his family for their support and spoke of how he hoped to continue the excellent work of his predecessor and looked forward to working with the new Deputy Mayor, Councillor Hazel Legge.
Councillor Morrow also paid tribute to his late father who had served on the former Castlereagh Borough Council.
“I would like to thank everyone for their support for my election as Mayor. It is an honour which I do not undertake lightly and I will maintain the high standards of the Office and represent all residents and groups right across the Council area,” said Councillor Morrow.
During the meeting the Mayor also announced he would be supporting two local charities during his Mayoral Term; Corrymeela Community and Habitat for Humanity NI.
The following Committees, with Chair and Vice-Chair representation, as appointed at the Annual Meeting are:
Corporate Services Committee
Councillor Scott Carson (Chair)
Councillor Conor Quinn (Vice-Chair)
Leisure & Community Development Committee
Alderman James Tinsley (Chair)
Councillor Rhoda Walker (Vice-Chair)
Development Committee
Alderman Allan Ewart MBE (Chair)
Councillor Andrew Ewing (Vice-Chair)
Environmental Services Committee
Alderman Tommy Jeffers (Chair)
Councillor Janet Gray MBE (Vice-Chair)
Governance and Audit Committee
Councillor Amanda Grehan (Chair)
Councillor James Baird (Vice-Chair)
Planning Committee
Councillor Luke Poots (Chair)
Councillor Hon. Nicholas Trimble (Vice-Chair)
Capital Projects Committee
Alderman David Drysdale (Chair)
Alderman Paul Porter (Vice-Chair)