Macmillan coffee morning supports people living with cancer
September 24, 2021
Participants on the Lisburn & Castlereagh Move More programme have been whipping up an assortment of treats to raise funds for Macmillan Cancer Support’s World Biggest Coffee Morning.
The event, which was hosted at Grove Activity Centre, saw participants serve a mountain of tea and sticky buns to support people whose lives have been impacted by cancer.
Attending the event, Councillor Tim Mitchell, Deputy Mayor of Lisburn & Castlereagh said, “Macmillan Cancer Support helps care for people from the moment of diagnosis, right through to when their support is needed the most. They recognise that health, money, family and job are real concerns of people impacted by cancer, therefore it is important that people are treated as individuals, not just patients.
“The Macmillan Coffee Morning is an opportunity to support the work of the charity so that it can continue providing this valuable service in our communities. I would like to thank the Move More participants for organising today’s event and showing their courage and resilience to help others, despite their own challenges.”
Councillor Sharon Skillen, Chair of the Leisure & Community Development Committee added, “The Macmillan Move More programme is a physical activity programme which provides support for people living with cancer across Northern Ireland. To date regionally the programme has received over 5,000 referrals and engaged with 4,500 participants which shows the need for the programme at a local level.
“The participants who organised today’s coffee morning have been attending sessions organised by the Lisburn & Castlereagh Move More Coordinator, Kelly Irwin. Kelly is a strong advocate of Macmillan services and ensures participants receive a personalised response through the cross referencing of key services.
“Kelly continues to develop a close and trusted bond with participants, providing a vital source of emotional support as well as cancer specific classes. Even throughout the pandemic, it was recognised the need to move these sessions online to keep participants motivated and active at home.
“I would like to commend the participants for hosting today’s coffee morning and I hope their efforts raise vital donations and inspire others to get involved.”
Referral onto the Macmillan Move More Programme can be made through a Health Professional, self-referral or through a friend or family member. For further information or to register, please email or phone 07392280829