Lisburn lights up blue for World Down Syndrome Day
March 21, 2019
Today has been marked as World Down Syndrome Day (WDSD) to raise awareness of what Down Syndrome is and how people with Down Syndrome play a vital role in our lives and communities.
Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council is marking the occasion by lighting up Lagan Valley Island blue tonight – one of the WDSD official colours.
The theme of this year’s awareness week is ‘Leave No One behind’, highlighting that every person with Down Syndrome should have the same opportunities as everyone else, in every part of life.
Deputy Mayor, Cllr Amanda Grehan, said: “Children and adults with Down Syndrome are unique individuals, with their own personalities and preferences that make them who they are.
“They must have opportunities to live fulfilling lives on an equal basis with others, in all aspects of society.”
Cllr Ben Mallon, Vice Chair of the C ouncil’s Corporate Service Committee, said: “People with Down Syndrome make an enormous contribution to their families, local communities and society in general in all sorts of different ways.
“World Down Syndrome Day is a global awareness event and I’m delighted that we’re getting involved and helping spread the word.”
World Down Syndrome Day has been officially observed by the United Nations since 2012. It will be celebrated across the world in a wide variety of ways.
If you want to help mark the day, join in with Down Syndrome International’s Lots Of Socks campaign, which encourages people to wear brightly coloured socks, odd socks and even 3 socks for 3 chromosomes! Take photographs and videos of your socks and post them on social media using the hashtags #LotsOfSocks, #WorldDownSyndromeDay and #WDSD19.