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Get fit and have fun at the new Carryduff Play Park!

April 25, 2019

Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council (LCCC) has officially reopened Carryduff Play Park. It’s the fourth community play park of six to be refurbished this year as part of the council’s £620,000 investment into redeveloping its local play areas.

Alderman Paul Porter, Chairman of the council’s Leisure & Community Development Committee, said: “We’re delighted to be reopening the council’s fourth refurbished play park this year. I know the park has been well-used over the Easter holidays and it’s great to see this newly modernised facility becoming a valued outdoor space for the community to enjoy.

“The unique aspect of Carryduff Play Park is that, as well as having a safety surface and a range of play equipment, it also features a range of outdoor gym equipment for adults, which has been funded by the Public Health Agency (PHA). The gym equipment has been spread throughout the park so it can be used as part of an individual’s daily walk or run.

“As a council, we’re committed to creating places where people of all ages have opportunities to enjoy healthy and active lifestyles. And we’re delighted to be working in partnership with the PHA to provide first-class outdoor facilities to our communities.”

David Tumilty, Health & Social Wellbeing Improvement Manager for the Public Health Agency, said: “We’re delighted to increase the opportunities for people in the Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council area to become more active and help them to achieve the recommended weekly amount of physical activity, as set out in the Joint UK Physical Activity Guidelines.

“Creating a physical environment in which people can live healthier lives with a greater sense of wellbeing is a hugely significant factor in reducing health inequalities. It is central to the Making Life Better framework, which is about empowering people to make healthier choices. Numerous studies point to the direct benefits of green space to both physical and mental health and wellbeing. Green spaces have been associated with a decrease in health complaints, blood pressure and cholesterol, improved mental health and reduced stress levels, perceived better general health and a better ability to face problems. 

“Through this work, we aim to empower people to make healthy choices, reduce the risks associated with inactivity and improve health and wellbeing by creating an environment that supports and promotes a physically active lifestyle.”

Queen Elizabeth II Play Park, Hillhall Play Park and Lambeg Play Park were the first play areas to be reopened as part of this year’s refurbishment programme. Other play parks to open in the coming weeks are located at Moat Park (Dundonald) and Colby Park (Cairnshill).

LCCC would like to urge all residents to treat these new play areas with respect so that the facilities can continue to be enjoyed by everyone.