Further speed indicator signs installed at community concern sites across Lisburn & Castlereagh
July 8, 2022
Following a review of its speed indicator devices, Lisburn & Castlereagh Policing and Community Safety Partnership (PCSP) has relocated six of its devices to different locations. The new sites are:
- Lurgan Road, Aghalee
- Pond Park Road, Lisburn
- Halftown Road, Maze
- Hillsborough Road, Carryduff (city bound)
- Ballynahinch Road, Legacurry
- Carnreagh, Hillsborough.
The Partnership has purchased four further speed indicators which will be positioned at:
- Magheraconluce
- Killynure Road, Carryduff
- Gransha Road, Dundondald
- Milltown Road, Derriaghy
These locations were identified following road safety concerns raised by local residents and supported by official PSNI statistics.
Speaking about the initiative, Councillor John Gallen, Chairman of the PCSP, said “Road safety has been identified by the PCSP as one of its key priorities and the signs have been installed in response to this issue. Speeding is one of the main causation factors of death and serious injury on our roads and motorists need to be aware of the devastating consequences of road traffic collisions. This initiative has been developed over the previous three years and I am delighted to see a further expansion of these devices. I am aware of the concerns of the community in the areas where these signs have been erected and I hope that they will have a positive impact in reducing speed and changing behaviours of those who use our roads. I want to record my thanks to those local communities who have campaigned tirelessly on road safety issues which have resulted in these devices being installed.”
Cllr Gallen continued “In the longer term, the data which is collected from the devices will hopefully be used to inform those responsible for road safety including the police and other government departments to ascertain the level of speed violations and the times of day when speeding is most likely to occur. What the camera does not do is record number plates and there is no repercussion of enforcement related to these devices.”
District Commander for Lisburn & Castlereagh, Superintendent Julie Mullan said “We welcome the extension of this scheme developed by Lisburn & Castlereagh City’s PCSP is in response to concerns raised by local communities. The sole purpose of this technology is to improve road safety by encouraging motorists to slow down. Inappropriate speed for the road conditions is one of the four main contributory factors in the most serious road collisions, which kill and seriously injure people. We hope the installation of this new system will have a positive influence on driver behaviour. Drivers must take responsibility and stop this dangerous behaviour. Road safety remains a priority for police and we will continue to work alongside Lisburn & Castlereagh City’s PCSP to share information and ensure we deploy our resources in the most effective manner to address this issue. Our message is very straightforward. Slow down; always wear a seatbelt, concentrate on your driving and Never EVER drive after drinking or taking drugs.”