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Free Compost Giveaway to celebrate International Compost Awareness Week 2021

May 2, 2021

Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council is celebrating International Compost Awareness Week from 2nd – 8th May 2021 with a number of promotions.

During this week, residents who visit the Council’s Facebook page can enter a daily draw for the chance to win five FREE bags of compost, which is made from the food and garden waste that is collected via brown bins in the Council area and processed locally into compost. 

This year the International Compost Awareness Week 2021 theme is Grow, Eat…COMPOST…Repeat. The aim is to recognize and promote the importance of composting and the use of compost in growing healthier food, supporting healthier soils and, ultimately, creating a more just and sustainable world.

Chairman of the Council’s Environmental Services Committee, Councillor Nathan Anderson, said: 

“International Compost Week is an excellent opportunity to recognise local householder’s ongoing efforts to recycle their food and garden waste. We want to encourage and educate all of our residents to think of the environment and to recycle appropriately. Residents are asked to continue to ‘Make Compost not landfill’ by using their brown bin instead of the landfill bin for food waste.

For more information on recycling & waste management, or to order a Brown Bin, free kitchen caddy starter kit or home composter, please us on 028 9244 7300 or email”

Composting is ideal for the environment as it not only improves soil quality and also reduces the amount of landfill waste while saving you money. Collecting the correct food and garden waste materials is key to making good quality compost. Please only use the compostable food caddy liners provided by the Council in your brown bin or food waste collection.

The Council can supply home composters FREE of charge to local residents in the council area. These ‘simple to use’ composters offer an excellent opportunity for residents to create their own compost for use in flower pots and flower beds. 

Most types of food and garden waste are accepted in your brown bin but it is important to avoid the following types of contamination:

  • Plastics - Plastic materials break down into microparticles but never completely decompose.
  • Glass – Glass will not break down in a composting process and poses health & safety issues. 
  • Produce stickers - Produce stickers that do not break down in the composting process. Please remove any produce stickers before composting.
  • Metals – Metals such as food and drink cans, knives, forks and tools do not break down during composting and can damage processing equipment.
  • Textiles – Most clothing & footwear contains some synthetic material and should never be composted.

For a full list of items that can put into your brown bin or food waste caddy, visit: