Recycle and collect a bag of compost as part of Compost Awareness Week
April 29, 2022
Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council is celebrating International Compost Awareness Week from 1 – 7 May 2022.
During this week, residents who visit the council’s Household Recycling Centres to recycle household items will be eligible to receive one free bag of compost, while stocks last.
Please be aware that on Monday 2 May our HRCs open from 9am - 3pm with last entry being 10 minutes before closing time.
The Household Recycling Centres are located at:
The Cutts - Derriaghy, BT17 9HN
Drumlough - Dromara Road, Hillsborough, BT26 6QA
Carryduff - 8 Comber Road, Carryduff, BT8 8AN
More residents across Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council are recycling their food and garden waste in the brown bin. This material is processed into a high quality organic compost by a Northern Ireland company called Natural World Products, creating jobs and contributing to the local economy.
Organic compost produces healthier plants by providing food for soil microbes in the ground. These microbes enrich the quality of the soil while also storing carbon in the soil – helping combat climate change.
Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council uses approx. 200 tonnes of this sustainable, organic compost each year in our local parks, gardens and floral displays, reducing the use of peat-based compost.
The council also donates compost to local community groups and schools, for use on non-profit projects.
To find out more about what can go in your brown bin or food waste caddy visit the Binformation Hub:
Caption: Staff members from Drumlough Household Recycling Centre showcase the New Leaf Compost which will be available from HRC's.