PLEASE NOTE: This article is over 1 year old and may not contain the most up-to-date information.

Fancy Afternoon Tea with the Mayor?

September 24, 2018

The Mayor, Councillor Uel Mackin is inviting senior citizens from across the Lisburn Castlereagh area to afternoon tea with him at Lagan Valley Island, Lisburn.

There will be seven events between 3rd October and 21st November.  They have been designed around district electoral areas within Lisburn Castlereagh so that our older residents can come along and meet friends who live nearby.

The afternoon tea events will take place between 2.00pm and 4.00pm on each date at Lagan Valley Island.  Those attending will have the opportunity to visit the Council Chamber and the Mayor’s Parlour.  Helpful tips on crime prevention and personal safety will be given.

The Mayor, speaking about these events said: “I am looking forward to meeting our older residents from across the Lisburn Castlereagh area and having a chat with them over afternoon tea.  These events are free to attend and we hope that our residents will take a little break and come along and join me at the Council’s Civic Headquarters in Lisburn.

“I believe it is very important as a council we engage with our older residents. They are an important part of the local community and through our Community Plan Action Plan we will be working with a number of organisations and agencies to ensure they are healthy and safe.  These events are free to attend, however should anyone wish to make a donation to my Mayoral Charity, Cancer Fund for Children it would be greatly appreciated.”

The Afternoon Tea schedule is:

Date District Electoral Area Townlands represented
Wednesday 3rd October Castlereagh East Ballyhanwood, Carrowreagh, Dundonald, Enler, Graham’s Bridge, Moneyreagh
Friday 19th October Lisburn South Ballymacash, Ballymacoss, Knockmore, Lagan Valley, Lisnagarvey, Old Warren
Wednesday 24th October Downshire East Ballymacbrennan, Dromara, Drumbo, Hillhall, Ravernet
Wednesday 31st October Downshire West Blaris, Hillsborough, Lagan, Maze, Moira
Wednesday 7th November Killultagh Ballinderry, Glenavy, Maghaberry, Stoneyford, White Mountain
Wednesday 14th November Lisburn North Derriaghy, Harmony Hill, Hilden, Lambeg, Magheralave, Wallace Park
Wednesday 21st November Castlereagh South

Beechill, Cairnshill, Carryduff East, Carryduff West, Galwally, Knockbracken, Newtownbreda

To book a place at the afternoon tea for your area please contact the Mayor’s Secretary on 028 9250 9331 or email: