PLEASE NOTE: This article is over 1 year old and may not contain the most up-to-date information.
Dog Owner Fined for Failing to Licence Dog
December 23, 2015
Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council recently took Miss Emma Louise Prince of Laurelgrove Dale, Newtownbreda to court for failing to purchase a valid licence for her dog.
On 18th December at Newtownards Magistrate’s Court Miss Prince was found guilty of keeping a dog without a current licence.
The Council provided Miss Prince with warnings about renewing her dog licence and as these correspondences were ignored the Council had no option but to proceed with a prosecution.
Miss Prince was fined £150 for the offence and ordered to pay £22 court costs and £100 general costs within a 20 week period.
Councillor Brian Hanvey, Chairman of the Council’s Environmental Services Committee, speaking about the importance of licensing dogs, said: “The Council will send a reminder letter to all dog owners in advance of their current dog licence renewal date. It is then the responsibility of the owner to purchase the relevant licence either from the Council offices or via the Council’s website at the appropriate time.
“There are many benefits to having a valid dog licence and up-to-date microchip details. This information is held by the Council and should your dog be found straying it will be scanned by the Dog Warden and on the first instance will be returned directly to your home.
“However, those stray dogs with no licence or out of date microchip details will be taken to the Council’s Dog Pound and if the owners are not found they will be rehomed,” concluded Councillor Hanvey.
Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council asks that if you own a dog please ensure that you keep your address details up to date with the microchip provider and the Council.