Digital support for Lisburn Castlereagh frontline services
April 20, 2020
The council is pleased to have the opportunity to show its support for all the frontline services across the Lisburn Castlereagh area through a digital campaign.
Speaking about the campaign the Mayor, Councillor Alan Givan said: “As a council we are very proud of the support within our communities for our frontline services and the fantastic work going on to keep the vulnerable in our communities safe. This campaign is thanking key workers from the healthcare sector, our emergency services, refuse collection crews, delivery drivers and administrative support staff in these sectors.
“In the current situation many people are experiencing disruption and uncertainty but our frontline workers are working night and day to ensure we have access to essential services. Due to their unwavering commitment, we have access to medical care, food deliveries, waste collection; and the PSNI are ensuring people only take essential journeys and are aware of how to stay safe online and in their homes.
“This campaign is our way of saying thank you to all these individuals who are out and about working hard and facing challenges and potential threats to their own health to keep us safe. Each Thursday there is a #ClapForCarers at 8.00pm when people across the nation go to their doors and say thanks but we want to express our thanks in digital form too. We hope that frontline workers will see our messages of support for them on their way to work and home again, and know that the wider Lisburn Castlereagh community is behind them.”
On our digital campaign, we are using #WashHandsAndHandles and #StayHomeSaveLives to remind everyone how to keep themselves and frontline workers safe.