Council Working Group Members say Thank You as Centenary Events Conclude
November 11, 2018
A sincere thank you to everyone who came to, participated in, or worked on the Centenary Events in Lisburn this weekend comes from the Right Worshipful the Mayor, Councillor Uel Mackin; Alderman James Tinsley, the Council’s Armed Forces Champion and Councillor Nathan Anderson, Chairman of the Council’s Corporate Services Committee.
The Elected Members of Council have been members of the Council’s World War 1 Centenary Working Group which organised the 100-year anniversary events.
The Mayor, Councillor Uel Mackin, said: “Today our Events began with the Centenary Remembrance Service in Lisburn at the War Memorial. We then held a Flag Lowering Ceremony at Lagan Valley Island to pay honour to the fallen and to mark the 100th year of the end of World War 1. A Battle’s Over Beacon Lighting Service took place late this evening at Castle Gardens.
“I would like to express my very grateful thanks to all our invited guests, as the Council is very grateful for support from the Lord Lieutenant, Mrs Joan Christie CVO OBE and the Deputy Lord Lieutenant Mr Norman Walker OBE; Lt Col Karl Frankland; High Sherriff Miss Gillian Bingham, Mr Raymond Corbett from the Royal British Legion and to all; your support is so important to us and very much appreciated.
“Our gratitude goes also to members of the public, the many people in our community who came out in large numbers to support the events as well as our Council staff. I was honoured as Mayor to be part of this weekend of events. I would also like to thank the Lisburn Branch of the Royal British Legion for its efforts in organising this morning’s Remembrance Service.”
Alderman James Tinsely, said: “The events which took place today took many months of planning. I would like to thank everyone on the Working Group and especially the Council staff who have put in many hours of work to make today’s commemorative events as good as they can be. There are many others who supported our team including those who played music, which was so integral to the events, and the children who came this morning to the Remembrance Service.
“I would particularly also include the families who came to the Remembrance Events in Lisburn, Moira and Hillsborough, whose loved ones names have been inscribed on our War Memorials. We have been very pleased to see so many people of all ages come out and be part of the Centenary Events, which are to honour the fallen and to show that we will not forget the sacrifices made by those who have or who are serving their country.”
Councillor Nathan Anderson said: “Like my colleagues I wish to put on record my very grateful thanks to everyone in the Council who was involved in getting these events organised. They really excelled in putting together this weekend’s programme of events. We saw the RAF’s 100-year anniversary on Saturday, and today we have attended the wonderful and thought-provoking Remembrance Service in Lisburn, organised with the Royal British Legion. Sunday evening saw the Flag Lowering and Beacon Lighting, which was attended by the local community.
“Now that the 100-year events have concluded I hope that their significance will be remembered in the days and months to come. We think of those who have lost loved ones this evening and offer our thoughts and compassion to them. I am sure that today’s Centenary Events will have been so special for very many people.”