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Council Supports National Anti-Litter Campaign

August 30, 2018

Lisburn & Castleregh City Council is pleased to be part of the new national Live Here Love Here anti-littering campaign.

The campaign features a litter-loathing puppet who pops up out of nowhere giving litter louts a proper puppet telling off in true Northern Ireland style.

Councillor Janet Gray MBE, Chair of the Council’s Environmental Services Committee, speaking about the campaign, said: “The organisers of the campaign hope that the straight talking puppet will get through to those members of the public who continue to litter the streets of Northern Ireland.  We want everyone to have civic pride in their area and encourage a community can-do attitude.

“The Council has a comprehensive street cleansing programme across the Lisburn Castlereagh area, and yet there are still parts that people believe it is acceptable to drop their litter in.  This is a bad social habit and the Council hopes that this new campaign will cause people to think twice about dropping litter and to always use a bin for their rubbish.”

95% of streets and public spaces surveyed in Northern Ireland have at least some litter on them.  Last year, over 141 tonnes of waste was collected, costing the public purse £45.5m a year on street cleansing. 

Alderman James Tinsley, Vice-Chair of the Council’s Environmental Services Committee added: “Littering continues to be a problem on our streets, in our parks and open spaces.  The Council is very proud of its area and the majority of residents take pride in their local community; and we hope that the litter-loathing puppet in this campaign will have a positive effect and reduce litter in the Lisburn Castlereagh area.”

This national anti-littering campaign, led by Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful, is being supported by 10 local councils, the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs; Choice Housing; Northern Ireland Housing Executive; Coca-Cola and McDonald’s.  The campaign will include TV, social media, billboard and radio advertising.

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