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Council Supports 'Meaty' Issues Campaign

January 29, 2016

Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council is supporting the current Love Food Hate Waste (LFHW) ‘Meaty’ issues campaign, which focuses on how meat need never be wasted.
The ‘Meaty’ issues campaign looks at reducing the amount of meat and fish food waste from homes.
Councillor Brian Hanvey, Chairman of the Council’s Environmental Services Committee, speaking about food waste, said: “Residents in the Council area are very good at recycling food waste that can’t be used as leftovers in their brown bins.  The Council is supporting this campaign as meat and fish are the most expensive components of food waste and we want to support ways in which our residents can save money.”
“With over £2.1 billion of meat and fish being thrown away in the UK annually LFHW has hints, tips and recipes for minimising meat food waste. It is about planning well and LFHW has five simple ways to get started.”
1.  Check the use by dates of items in your fridge.  Freeze any suitable items if you are not going to use them before the date.
2.  Keep your cupboard and freezer stocked with a variety of items e.g. beans, rice, pasta, vegetables, meat, fish and nuts.  These long shelf-life items can be used in many meals.
3.  Portion control will reduce the amount of carbohydrates like bread, rice and potatoes that you recycle.
4.  Use your leftover meat in a tasty meal or freeze in portion sizes.
5.  Check your cupboards, fridge and freezer before shopping.
Councillor Hanvey added: “By following these five simple tips residents will save money on food bills, have more food on their table and more money in their pockets.”
For any food waste that can’t be used as leftovers, for example tea bags & coffee grounds, fruit & vegetable peelings, bones or mouldy food please place into your brown bin for food waste recycling. You can recycle your food waste all year round using your brown bin. If any resident needs a kitchen caddy or roll of liners these can be collected from Lagan Valley Island, Lisburn; Bradford Court Offices, Upper Galwally and its Household Recycling Centre at Drumlough, Hillsborough and The Cutts, Derriaghy.
Further information on the ‘Meaty’ issues campaign can be found online at
Any resident requiring further information on recycling can contact the Council on 028 9244 7453 or email: