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Council partner up on tree-mendous project at Lough Moss

December 14, 2020

Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council (LCCC) has started work on a number of woodland paths and planting schemes at Lough Moss Leisure Centre, Carryduff. The project will create more opportunities for outdoor recreation in a natural environment, encouraging and enhancing biodiversity within the area.

The project is being funded by the council, who have engaged with Carryduff Regeneration Forum as part of its Community Planning commitment to listen to the community’s needs and requests. This engagement will ensure the project represents the aspirations of the entire community and joint outcomes are delivered to benefit everyone that lives, works or visits the area. 

The site will be managed by the council’s award winning Parks and Amenities team who will plant approximately 1,422 trees and hedging. The planting will include a hedge row of native species such as hawthorn, blackthorn, hazel and dog rose linking existing hedgerows and tree lines. Some of the trees have been kindly donated by The Woodland Trust.

A wildflower seed mix will also be sown that will benefit pollinating insects and, once established, the meadow should have a long flowering season from spring through to autumn. A shallow wetland area within the site will also be enhanced and will benefit aquatic flora and fauna.

LCCC’s Chair of the Leisure & Community Development Committee, Alderman Michael Henderson MBE, said: “I’m delighted to be planting the first tree in the Lough Moss project, as part of the National Tree Week 2020 celebrations. Not only does this mark the start of the project but also the start of the winter tree planting season.

“As a council, we’ve agreed to plant two trees for every one tree removed as a result of storms or health and safety reasons. This initiative will enhance the green spaces within our council area significantly, providing more opportunities for people to take part in physical activity outdoors.

“Not only will the area be enjoyed by visitors but the addition of trees and plants will enhance and protect key habitats and species found in Lisburn & Castlereagh, enabling local biodiversity to thrive.”