Council marks the retirement of the Lisburn Credit Union President
March 3, 2022
For 22 years Walter Sloan has served the Lisburn community in the Lisburn Credit Union and the council recently acknowledged his retirement alongside his colleagues and family.
Walter made an instant impact when joining the organisation in 2000 when appointed to the Loans Committee and his election to the Board of Directors in 2001.
Hosting the reception Mayor Martin said: “Walter has been a part of the fabric of our city’s credit union and it is an honour to mark his long service. Over the course of 22 years Walter has carried out a number of roles with distinction. As he reached retirement Walter had served as President and Chairman of the Board of Directors for nine years. He was always fair and inclusive in these roles. A legacy Walter leaves as he begins his retirement is the refurbished credit union offices in Bachelors Walk that he was instrumental in designing.”
Deputy Mayor, Councillor Tim Mitchell and Councillor Jonathan Craig also attended the mayoral reception alongside Walter’s colleagues and family.
The Lisburn Credit Union is a long established institution providing a valuable service to the whole community. It makes a very important contribution to the social economy of the council area in a sustainable manner.
Councillor Jonathan Craig who proposed the council marked Walter’s retirement added: “Without Walter and his team some families in the council area might have struggled. The ethos of the credit union is to encourage prudent borrowing for big-purchase items, emergencies or educational needs by developing a regular habit for savings is key to its success. Through such practices, its members build economic security for themselves and their families.”
Mayor Martin presented Walter with a token of the council’s appreciation of his long service. The Mayor said: “Your invaluable experience Walter will be missed by the board members, your colleagues and myself. I thank you wholeheartedly for your service to the Lisburn community and wish you a long and healthy retirement.”