PLEASE NOTE: This article is over 1 year old and may not contain the most up-to-date information.

Adventure awaits at River Road Play Park

May 16, 2018

The community in Seymour Hill gathered at the River Road Play Park for the official opening last week.

Elected Members from Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council; members of Seymour Hill and Conway Community Association; Connswater Homes, building contractors FORRME Ltd, the PSNI and children from Seymour Hill Primary School were all delighted with the new play provision for the area.

Speaking at the launch Chairman of Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council’s Leisure & Community Development Committee, Alderman James Tinsley said: “Within local communities children’s play facilities are so important on a number of levels.  Playing outside helps children develop their learning abilities and there are numerous health benefits associated with it. The Council is committed to promoting safe, healthy and active lifestyles for all ages across the area and play parks like the one in River Road are a great asset to the entire community.

“The Council has worked closely with Seymour Hill and Conway Community Association and Connswater Homes who purchased the former Dunmurry High School site for social housing and what a fantastic result has been achieved. Thanks must also go to FORRME Ltd. the building contractors who have excelled in creating this magnificent play park”, he concluded.

Connswater Homes Development Manager, Nadine Ritchie explains: “As well as providing high quality homes to address social housing need, Connswater Homes strives to make a significant impact through community engagement activities. Investment of £70,000 private finance in construction of River Road Play Park is one of the Association’s most recent initiatives. In working closely with key stakeholders, it was ascertained a play area would prove a great asset to cater for both new residents and the existing community. The play area forms part of a larger scheme comprising 98 new homes part-funded by the Northern Ireland Housing Executive and a Multi-Use Games Area to be developed by Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council.

“The play area located at the former Dunmurry High School site was officially opened on 9th May 2018. Contractor FORRME Ltd has completed 45 homes to date and anticipate completion of the scheme in summer 2018. The Board and staff of Connswater Homes wish to express their gratitude to local community and political representatives who have supported them throughout development of the scheme and look forward to continuing engagement to ensure Seymour Hill & Conway Estate remains a great place to live”, she concluded.

 Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council is also delighted to announce that work on a new Multi-Use Games area (MUGA) for the Seymour Hill area will commence shortly, further enhancing the provision for the area.