PLEASE NOTE: This article is over 1 year old and may not contain the most up-to-date information.

£620,000 Play Park Project Nearing Completion

March 22, 2019

Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council committed over £620,000 to refurbish six local community play parks earlier this year.

It is delighted to have reopened the Queen Elizabeth II Play Park and the Hillhall Play Park today (22nd March).  Each official opening was attended by members of the local community, local primary schools and elected representatives.

Alderman Paul Porter, Chairman of the Council’s Leisure & Community Development Committee, speaking at the two official openings said: “The refurbishment of six local play parks to create state-of-the-art facilities within a few months has been a significant achievement by the Council and its contractor Garden Escapes.  Our local communities play a key part in helping to shape the Lisburn Castlereagh area.  As a council we are committed to supporting them. By providing play parks we are encouraging children of all abilities to get active and socialise. 

“Playtime is vital in the development of a child’s cognitive, emotional and physical growth.  The Council has invested considerably to ensure that community play parks provide an ideal location for children to retreat to and relax after a busy day or perhaps expend some energy to make life more relaxing for their parents, guardians and carers,” he concluded.

Each play park has a safety surface and a range of play equipment to accommodate all abilities of children.  The other play parks to open in the coming weeks are located at Lambeg, Moat Park, Edgar Avenue and Colby Park.