Local Businesses Donate to Charity

Local businesses representatives generously raised £2,850 at the recent Lisburn & Castlereagh City Business Awards, which was distributed between two worthwhile charities.

The Mary Peters Trust, which is the Mayor’s Charity and the Friends of Cancer Centre both benefited from the donations raised.

The Mayor of Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council, Councillor Thomas Beckett, said: “This was a fantastic amount raised for two local charities at what was a gala event to celebrate the high calibre of businesses in the Council area.  I would like to thank all those who attended the evening in March and the Council hopes everyone enjoyed the evening.

Alderman Allan Ewart, Chairman of the Council’s Development Committee also presenting the cheques, said: “The Mary Peters Trust provides assistance to young sports people from across Northern Ireland to help them excel in their chosen sporting disciplines. The Friends of Cancer Centre is one of the charities regularly supported by local business House of Vic Ryn.  I was delighted to hear that Café Vic Ryn owner Jacqueline Evans matched the amount raised at the Awards dinner for this worthy charity making a total of £2,850 being gifted by the business community to this cancer charity,” concluded Alderman Ewart.


The 2016 Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council Business Awards raised £1,425 for the Friends of the Cancer Centre Charity and this was matched by local business Cafe Vic Ryn.  Pictured with the cheque are: (l-r)  Jacqueline Evans, Owner of Cafe Vic Ryn; Alderman Allan Ewart, Chairman of the Council's Development Committee and Colleen Shaw, Friends of the Cancer Centre.